Aristóteles y el surgimiento del método experimental




Aristotle, epistemology, science, philosophy, medicine, human underpinning


According to specialized criticism, Aristotle consolidates the accumulated knowledge on the principles of philosophical research and extracts substance from that knowledge to promote his own innovative theoretical-methodological developments, with which he carves out and supports his critical and self-critical philosophy. The Aristotelian reconstruction of the critical history of philosophy in its foundations and formative bases is not in any way a mechanical account of the developments worked out by previous and predecessor philosophers, but rather the philosopher responds to the cognitive challenges that philosophical problems, considered in themselves, they suppose and imply for the researcher who seeks the truth both about the origin of the philosophical problem and about the origin, development and evolution of philosophy. Looking at tradition, for Aristotle is clear that philosophy has introduced a new look at the world, nature, the human being, and the vital horizon of humanity. To the extent that, with the philosophical tradition, it contributes to bury the mythical-religious vision, a finished and perfect image of the world, Aristotle also contributes to strengthening the scientific-philosophical attitude and vision that critical-reflective thought has been forging since it was enacted by the first and earliest philosophers. This article argues that Aristotle uses medicine as an argumentative resource to explain that the scientific image of the world is condemned to be incomplete, unfinished and imperfect precisely because it is free from the dogmatic burden of skepticism and because it is defined, moreover, by its experimental-critical character.


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Author Biography

Dany Erick Cruz–Guerrero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, donde también obtuvo el Diploma de Humanidades. Cursa la Maestría en Filosofía de la Escuela de Posgrado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Sus estudios indagan sobre la apropiación crítica de los autores clásicos griegos por parte de la historiografía filosófica germanoanglosajona de los siglos XIX y XX, así como sobre la filosofía del arte y de la ciencia en este periodo. Ha publicado Principios de filosofía del arte: la creación artística y el trabajo del artista (Lima: UARM, 2020) y el artículo “El artífice en la filosofía del arte de Hegel” (Metanoia, n.° 4, pp. 69-80).



How to Cite

Cruz–Guerrero, D. E. (2020). Aristóteles y el surgimiento del método experimental. Metanoia: Revista académica De La Escuela Profesional De Filosofía De La Universidad Antonio Ruiz De Montoya, 5(1), 59–90.


