Self as absolute artwork. An approach from the critical reading of Søren Kierkegaard to the aesthetics of German romanticism in Either/Or I
Genius | Reunification | Work of Art | Fragmentation | ExistenceAbstract
The writing traces how in the esthetics of the German Romanticism there happens the turn of the genius as absolute mediator, towards me absolute that understands itself as superior to the real thing. First, some key principles is reconstructed it brings over of the notion of genius and his importance for the project of reunification between man and world in the Romanticism. And secondly, it shows how, before the impossibility of the artwork and the artist's grasp the absolute, these principles are taken into existence understanding as ideal as not the absolute but a life aesthetic. The above mentioned from the making that there does Søren Kierkegaard of the romantic esthetics in the first part of Either/or.
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