On culpability and the possibility of reproach for a theory of guilt in Plato's for a theory of guilt in Plato's Gorgias





Guilt, Episteme, Education, Reproach, Passions


The aim of this paper is to account for the possibility of establishing a notion of guilt and reproach in relation to the subject who acts unjustly, through an analysis of responsibility and punishment in the moral sphere in Plato's Gorgias. In order to approach this treatment, we will delve into Socratic moral intellectualism, according to which human beings do not do what they want, but what they consider to be right. This way, it will address how the influence of the appetites and passions play a fundamental role in the mastery over oneself and, consequently, in the various courses of action that subjects may ascribe to. Finally, it will be established how education and knowledge play a substantial role in the constitution of a judgement of reproach towards the subject.


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Author Biography

Jonathan Ubal Ebert, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Abogado por la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, actualmente culminando proceso de Magister en Filosofía por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile. Me he dedicado a la investigación filosófica en las áreas de la fenomenología, metafísica/ontología, y filosofía del derecho penal. Asimismo, he expuesto aquellas investigaciones en Congresos y Coloquios nacionales e internacionales en distintas Universidades. En la actualidad, me desempeño como profesor titular de las cátedras de Derecho Penal y Legislación en la Escuela de Carabineros de Chile.


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How to Cite

Ubal Ebert, J. (2023). On culpability and the possibility of reproach for a theory of guilt in Plato’s for a theory of guilt in Plato’s Gorgias. Metanoia: Revista académica De La Escuela Profesional De Filosofía De La Universidad Antonio Ruiz De Montoya, 8(1), 74–91. https://doi.org/10.53870/metanoia20231301


