El problema de la demarcación, representación humana y ensamblaje asambleario en Judith Butler





Butler, demarcation, human representation, assembly, biopolitics


The demarcation problem core comes up from science philosophy, however, its content can be applied to the social theories field. In this sense, the following paper has as its aim to analyse how in Judith Butler’s 2015 book “Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly” the demarcation problem in the social theory fiel produce the distinction between those who can be considered as a human and thereof worthy of the basic rights possessions of those whom do not. Consequently, in the first place, I will indicate the theoretical itinerary of Karl Popper on the demarcation problem and how its application can be applied in practical and political aspects. Second, I will indicate how the demarcation problem can be applied in Judith Butler’s proposals, both in the sense of a legitimate constitution of human subjectivity and collective subjectivity. Third, I will indicate how in the public assembly space there is an ethicalpolitical response to the separation produced by the demarcation between precarious subjects and subjects worthy of rights. Finally, I will reflect and offer some conclusions.


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Author Biography

Pablo Nelson Rojas Olmedo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Licenciatura Filosofía, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Becario de FHumyAr/UNR. Coordinador de las Jornadas de Filosofía UNR desde 2015. Sus áreas de estudio implican los conceptos de monarquía e imperio medieval y tardo renacentistas; además de la obra de Judith Butler, realizando talleres desde 2018. Cuenta con publicaciones y traducciones especializadas en su área, entre ellas: “Sociedad Humana y Derecho en el DRN V de Lucrecio” Saga N°2, 2017; “Saber Gobernar el Imperio,Utopía y Ciencia Política en Campanella” Protrepsis N°15, 2018; y “Observaciones sobre las Formas Políticas de Gobierno (1652) de Sir Robert Filmer”, Mutatis Mutandi, N° 14, 2020. Doi: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5581-6996



How to Cite

Rojas Olmedo, P. N. (2020). El problema de la demarcación, representación humana y ensamblaje asambleario en Judith Butler. Metanoia: Revista académica De La Escuela Profesional De Filosofía De La Universidad Antonio Ruiz De Montoya, 5(1), 157–180. https://doi.org/10.53870/metanoia20205234


