Xeno, Alien, Accelerationism, Speculative RealismAbstract
This essay is of twofold interest. First, without pretending to give a finished vision, it establishes a series of relational knots between the aesthetic discourse and that singular category of contemporary thought of the last decades that, present both in speculative realism and in accelerationism, seeks to analyze that radically other: the xeno or alien (from gr. ξενο- xeno- 'foreigner', 'strange'). For this, preliminarily, the theoretical scopes elaborated by Helen Hester, Laboria Cuboniks, Armen Avenessian and Ian Bogost around the xeno and the alien will be deployed. Subsequently, the margins -as we will see, always open- of a xeno-aesthetics or, if you prefer, xeno-poesis will be specified. The second interest - in an attempt to elucidate the ways in which the emancipatory potential of technology evolves - seeks to develop the following thesis: there is a direct link between the conceptual violence that is written through algorithms and the fear of the xeno, that is, the alien. That "alien" which brings disease and, with it, the biological destruction of the entire established order.
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