De la muerte de Dios a la muerte del Hombre
El Sujeto ¿constituido o constituyente?
Friedrich Nietzsche, Michel Foucault, Sujeto, Poder, Saber, FilosofíaAbstract
The title reproduces the famous phrases of Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault, who allegorically postulated the exhaustion of two central ideas that had a long and fruitful life in human history. For Nietzsche, the death of God is the loss of the ordering capacity of the world,based on a truth conceived as metaphysics and on a Judeo-Christian morality, whose roots are sought by the philosopher in the Greece of Socrates and Plato. According to Foucault, with the “death of God” would also become the death of his murderer, man as subject of truth; for in the next century of postmodernity the expected Nietzsche Superman will not appear, but rather the increasingly devalued figure of man as an ontological category, yielding its central place to the primacy of language. So the man leaves the central position as an object of knowledge, of rational knowledge, a displacement of man to his sole condition of subject thinking and producer of discourses, no longer as a privileged object of said thought. Foucault recognizes that it is Nietzsche who inaugurates this change of axis. Foucault, with his formulation of discourse, knowledge and power, finally brings us to the focal point of his investigation, the constitution of the subject within a disciplinary society.Nietzsche and Foucault nurture and form the two sides of the same coin that chains us to the economy of life. The subjects, in the exercise of our freedom, can -as constituted subjects- fully ascribe ourselves to the normative order and the security that the social sphere of belonging gives us or we can -as constituent subjects- use our judgment and exercise a critical reflection of the society we belong to.
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